We speak your language
There is a Czech proverb that says, ‘Learn a new language, gain a new soul’.
At Crowdtech we wholeheartedly embrace the many diverse languages represented on our globe, and hence recognize the need to conduct research in respondents’ home tongues. We understand that engaging in one’s preferred language makes respondents feel more comfortable and better valued, which in turn results in deeper research and richer insights.
To this end, we have developed our new multi-language feature, which dramatically changes the translation phase of the research process, for clients and respondents alike.
Predominantly used for research surveys across multiple languages, the feature is also applicable to other arenas including external samples, client databases, website links and of course, panels and communities.
Enhanced experiences for respondentsOne of our primary focuses at Crowdtech is to ensure that we deliver an optimum experience to each of our respondents.
Calvin Olland explains, ‘We understand the value in keeping our respondents happy, so that they stay engaged in our panels and communities. They are literally the backbone of our system… without respondents, we would have no research.”
The new multi-language feature enables respondents to choose their language before starting the survey – thereby playing an important role in making them feel valued and recognised.
Increased efficiencies for clientsTypically, clients wishing to conduct multi-lingual research had to upload translated questionnaires in each required language – with every translated version having to be coded separately. Once the research had been conducted, the output then needed to be merged into a single language, prior to analysis.
Our new offering changes this process in a number of ways. By leveraging our advanced technology, our multi-language feature enables various tasks to be carried out much more easily than before:
Clients can upload a multi-lingual questionnaire in just one language, relying on our intuitive technology to upload and code the translated versions automatically
Once the survey translations have been uploaded, clients can easily toggle between languages to check scripts as required
The output in all its different languages will be collated together, enabling the research to be delivered back to clients in a single language, ready for analysis
Naturally all of these elements massively reduce time wastage for clients, making the research translation process smoother, more efficient and more cost-effective.
These elements can literally be done at the click of a button, making them very user-friendly. If however, there are any queries over their implementation, our support team is always available to help, at every stage of the research process.
Applicable to both multi-country and single-country surveysAs globalisation increases, the ability for research surveys to operate across countries becomes increasingly important. Crowdtech’s advanced technology places us in a strong position to conduct multi-country research – and including a variety of languages is one way of enhancing this offering.
Multi-country research is not however the only format that requires this capability… countries with more than one commonly-spoken language will benefit just as much from this feature. Such a feature is perfectly suited to the likes of Switzerland or Belgium, as well other countries globally, where respondents hail from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Constant innovation is the name of the gameOur project managers and technical team deem panel management a high priority. They are constantly innovating to find ways of keeping our surveys fresh, dynamic and easy-to-use. And what better way of making the experience easier, than to allow respondents to engage in their preferred languages?
“We’re very excited about this new addition to our stable,” says Olland. “Our teams are always on the look-out for how we can add to our bouquet of features and enhance the user experience. Offering a multi-language solution is one way of doing this. What’s amazing about this tool is its simplicity and efficiency – we’re looking forward to rolling it out to more clients.”