Survey Tool - Superior, more functional and more beautiful
"Survey 2.0", is our name for the next phase development of our survey software and will send even better-looking questionnaires to respondents. Visually attractive questions are a key component of gaining higher response rates. In addition, it is important that, for example, complex surveys that traditionally work better on pc’s and tablets function seamlessly on mobile phones. Survey 2.0 allows you to create one questionnaire layout that reads perfectly on all device types and browsers, meaning you can send out a survey without the extra step of testing across differing devices. We will have our new version Survey 2.0 live in the summer" Better integration with other data sources "With Crowdtech we offer an integrated platform for all forms of research, but it is also important to be able to link our platform to other systems. After all, modern day market research consists of many sources, so it is important to bring this together in a smart way. We are doing this with the development of a Rest API laying the foundation for customers to fully integrate questionnaire data from Crowdtech into CRM systems or other databases. For example, two way integration into Salesforce or Zapier is fully automated in an efficient and easy to implement manner." Real-time data loading into surveys "For an integrated platform, we also require tools that fit together perfectly. This is why we are launching an even smother collaboration between our panel management system and our Survey tool and this will be available in the coming quarter. This will allow you to load real-time data from the Research panel into Survey, enabling flexible and efficient use of this data in questionnaires, communication (e-mails) and data analysis". Quicker "To keep innovating, the platform needs natural maintenance. We rolled out an upgrade earlier this year to make test automation easier. This is an important step towards building more functionality in the future. With more automated tests, this is a faster and less error-prone process. Additionally, we continuously implement non-functional upgrades in the software ensuring the platform complies with the most recent security standards".